This is ScrollZ IRC client changelog Meaning of flags: + = new stuff ! = fixed stuff - = removed stuff ~ = changed stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ScrollZ v2.2.3, 29.12.2013 ! crash when displaying very large aliases (reported by -jff-) ! +password in ENCRMSG is not treated as a FiSH key if FiSH is not available (reported by -jff-) ! slashes (on Unix) and backslashes (on Windows) in channel names are converted to underscores in per channel logging + SET DEFAULT_PROTOCOL to specify default IP protocol for server connections (patch by SteelyDan) ! parallel make install (patch by Nathan Phillip Brink) ! respect CPP flags in Makefile (patch by Nathan Phillip Brink) ! dependencies in Makefile, fixes build on Debian sid (reported by juha) ! example for REGEXPREP (thanks SteelyDan) ! MODE #channel I/e/b for IPv6 addresses (reported by Jugernaut) ~ set AI_ADDRCONFIG flag for IP lookups when IPv6 support is enabled (suggested by SteelyDan) ! update target directory for manual page to modern /usr/share/man (reported by dan408) + parsing of numeric 378 for freenode (requested by SteelyDan) ! configure now exits if it can't find a working libtermcap / libncurses + half-op counters are now displayed in NWHOIS ! various small fixes ! memory / fd leaks reported by valgrind (thanks SteelyDan) - ICB support (patch by SteelyDan) + IRC servers can now be grouped (patch by SteelyDan) + TRACE facility, read HELP SET TRACE for more information (this is optional and has to be enabled in defs.h and is meant to help me track down bugs faster) ! annoying bug where bound channels would sometimes get relocated to a random window on reconnect ! do not lose one page of scrollback buffer after CLEAR (reported by -jff-) ! compilation on FreeBSD 10 (reported by FBSD maintainer) ! IPv6 address formatting (reported by SteelyDan) ! SHOWUSER formatting of long user@host strings (reported by SteelyDan) ! reconnect when server is specified as IPv6 address ! active servers can no longer be deleted (reported by SteelyDan) + new ignore types NICK for nick changes and QUIT for sign off messages (requested by dc) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------